ABOUT US The Leading Pesticide Factory in Ethiopia!
- To become a leader in the African market by Formulating and marketing of Pesticides for Agricultural and health sector by the year 2025.
- To supply inputs for the health, agriculture and industry sectors.
- To register a sustainable growth by formulating & supplying products that satisfies customers' requirements.
- To set an example by following environmentally friendly formulation process.
- To increase customers satisfaction by utilizing local raw materials and continuously improving the customers' service and formulation process so as to minimize costs, and avail fresh & quality products.
- To raise workers income by improving their skills and capacity.
- To reduce the huge foreign currency expenditure for importing pesticides & the risk of toxic chemical stocking & cost of disposal by creating an enabling condition for need based order and order based production.
- The strong belief by the management and workers that satisfying customers is the essential foundation for the company's survival and growth.
- The deep rooted culture of determination & team work among workers and the management to attain common goals.
- A formulation process & products safe to workers, the environment and end users.
- A long established culture of participating in development activities of the surrounding societies.
- The high confidence of our customers and the society at large in our products and services.
- The positive attitude and determination by the management and workers to elevate the participation and empowerment of women at all levels of decision making in the company.